Your collectibles exhibited in the Virtual Participatory Museum

Your collectibles exhibited in the Virtual Participatory Museum

Your photos enrich the community

Sharing knowledge is a fundamental basis in our passion. Through this Virtual Museum, come and let us discover your most collectible pieces. This section will allow amateurs and seasoned collectors to pass on to other enthusiasts photos of objects in their possession, witnesses of the Second World War, deserving to be seen and contemplated instead of remaining at the bottom of a case or ‘a drawer.

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La Petite MUSETTE website brings together a community of of reenactors and WWII enthusiasts for a purely historical and commemorative purpose, in a spirit of peace. This site does not in any way endorse the ideology of the Third Reich and incites no racial hatred.

The objects presented are World War II testimonies presented in a historical context, however any shared photograph will be the subject of a preliminary study and any symbol belonging to a condemned organization of crimes against humanity will be deliberately masked (Article R -645-1 of the French Criminal Code). La Petite MUSETTE reserves the right not to publish any content that does not apply these rules.