Submit an item for the Virtual Participatory Museum

You wish to enrich the Participatory Virtual Museum and send us the photograph of an object of your personal collection. La Petite MUSETTE and the community of reenactors and enthusiasts thank you for sharing. So that we can integrate it in our gallery, thank you to read these recommendations.

Please read before publish
  • In order for your participation to remain relevant, please answer all the questions asked in the form
  • Do not hesitate to give as much detail as possible, to explain the object and the context
  • WARNING: the photos must be lightened and converted into .jpeg before being sent by form. For this you can use photo editing software such as photoshop, photofiltre, gimp or an online tool such as tiny.jpg. . (If you encounter technical problems, you can contact the webmaster via this form)

Fill in the form

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