Cal.30 Ammutions supplier

2017 Apr 13

Name : Raphaël D.

Theme : 90th Infantry Division in Normandy

Time : World War II (1944)

Details : This man is an ammunition provider, in other words, in addition to being a soldier, he carries the charge to forward the supply of the collective Browning Cal.30 machine gun .In this picture, the strips of cartridges are housed in metal boxes, themselves carried by hand or arranged in a chasuble provided for this purpose. The strips consist of black (piercing) and red (tracer) ammunition. It will be observed, however, that on the battlefield, those with red spikes will be regularly withdrawn so as not to reveal the position to the enemy. The scene takes place in July 1944, this man belongs to the 90th Infantry Division “Tough Ombres” while it undergoes the intense fighting of the Mont Castre near Lithaire and La Haye du Puits, in the Cotentin.


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