La Petite MUSETTE, News from WWII

Turbulent and dramatic period, the World War II remains forever engraved in our memories. We are all marked by the scars that this time left in our families and our teritory. But this period and the following years also marked the birth of heroes, a hope that would never be extinguished and which returned to the end of the fighting. These ancient times, which are so close to our own, are also the awareness, the learning of new values ​​and the foundations of a new world that we must continue to build.
La Petite MUSETTE offers a series of articles directly related to the Second World War. Here we are dealing with history through anecdotes or historical facts. This page is also an opportunity to evoke the actions carried out these days to perpetuate the memory. Finally, we will not fail to highlight, some events organized by you, your municipalities, your associations…

La Petite MUSETTE, News from WWII

Turbulent and dramatic period, the World War II remains forever engraved in our memories. We are all marked by the scars that this time left in our families and our teritory. But this period and the following years also marked the birth of heroes, a hope that would never be extinguished and which returned to the end of the fighting. These ancient times, which are so close to our own, are also the awareness, the learning of new values ​​and the foundations of a new world that we must continue to build.
La Petite MUSETTE offers a series of articles directly related to the Second World War. Here we are dealing with history through anecdotes or historical facts. This page is also an opportunity to evoke the actions carried out these days to perpetuate the memory. Finally, we will not fail to highlight, some events organized by you, your municipalities, your associations…

Vestiges of war, an atypical discovery

Trouvé récemment sur un ancien camp occupé par les soldats américains en Cotentin, cette relique nous plonge à travers les moments de détente au sein des troupes qui envahissent la Normandie en 1944. Ce morceau de ferraille qui a passé plus de 70 ans sous terre est en réalité la carcasse d’un masque de receveur (Baseball).

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People of Normandy preserved numerous relics

Gentiment offerts par un habitant de Blosville, assidu lecteur de cette page, ces trois éléments de ceintures d’aéronefs américains ont été prélevés par ses soins durant l’été 1944 sur un planeur WACO CG-4 qu’il a vu atterrir dans le secteur de Les Forges, à l’époque désigné en tant que zone d’atterrissage “W”, là où de nombreux gliders termineront leur vol

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Arthur Jahnke, german veteran of 23 years old

Arthur Jahnke n’est âgé que de 23 ans en 1944. Lieutenant de l’armée de terre régulière allemande (Heer), il est pourtant déjà vétéran du front de l’Est sur lequel il a combattu avec la 302ème division d’infanterie, où il est grièvement blessé quelques mois auparavant. Cette mésaventure lui vaudra notamment l’attribution de la Croix de Chevalier de la Croix de Fer

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La Petite MUSETTE and you, a common passion

Because our passion leads us to seek historical truth in the smallest pieces of the past and the present.
Because we nourish our passion of exchanges, testimonies, meetings, readings …
Because it was with minute details that the great History was built

For all these reasons, we have the will to enrich this site and to share with you through these articles. To be notified of their publication, consider subscribing to our newsletter.